In a world where all music is forbidden, the Last Ghosts are hunted fugitives. Set in the heart of the United Republic of Britain in London, where Government Federal reigns supreme, civil unrest simmers beneath the surface. A rapidly growing anti-establishment movement turns to music as their voice, sparking a rebellion that rocks the nation.


Following the the largest riot in history at the infamous ‘Smoke’ music festival, the government enacts the Social Noise Pollution Act, outlawing music in all its forms. Now, armed Gov-Fed troops patrol the streets, enforcing draconian laws with ruthless efficiency. In this bleak landscape, music has become prohibited, driven into the clandestine depths of the many underground clubs that occupy the city.

Among these rebels are the Last Ghosts, a band defiant in the face of oppression. Refusing to bow down to tyranny, they secretly produce music and perform in the shadows of the city’s illicit venues. But danger lurks in the underworld, which is controlled by a ruthless mob profiting from the illegal trade of music.

Their defiance catches the eye of Lazarus, head of the SNP division, who is determined to crush the rebellion at any cost. As the Last Ghosts evade capture, they rely on the unwavering support of their allies, fighting to keep their music—and their freedom—alive.

In this gripping dystopian thriller, join the Last Ghosts on a journey of defiance, danger, and the power of music in the face of oppression.